Here is a great recipe for puppies when mom do not have enough milk or she cannot feed them.
Young puppies need to be fed at least every 2 hours!
1 cup evaporated milk
1 cup water
1 table spoon honey
1egg yolk
mix well. refrigerate what you do not use.
Normally you would not use longer than a day, so you can try to take little lesser of each if you do not have many puppies to feed!
You also get a great product from Kyron called "Milko-Pup" which is a Milk Substitute for puppies.
When their mothers can't feed them, MILKO-PUP provides puppies with all the nutrients essential to their well-being, healthy growth and development. MILKO-PUP's easy-mix powder formula tastes good and puppies take it readily. If Mother Nature isn't able to take its course MILKO-PUP can lend a helping hand. MILKO-PUP can also be used as a food supplement for all dogs, especially those pregnant, lactating, or recovering from illness.
It matches bitch's milk closely and supplies concentrated energy and all the essential vitamins, minerals, proteins, fat and trace elements necessary for healthy growth and development